Thursday, January 1, 2009


Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays! With all the family coming together and all the catching up. The passed few years, we have gone to my grandpa's house in Salt Lake. We've made it into a tradition now. :) But this year was a bit different. Ya see...I've never driven up north by myself and this year, I decided to take my own car up so I could run to the mall and do all that good stuff while my parents were Christmas shopping. I did very well and I'm glad too cuz I want to live in the city once I graduate from High School.

And O! I got a chance to go to Pennsylvania in the Spring for a Leadership conference...However, I was so caught up in all my Thanksgiving Plans, that I forgot to send in my papers and get my letters of recommendation. I was pretty disappointed because I would have loved to go with my friend Kelsie there. But there is no reason to look back...I missed my chance. Better Luck next time.

Twilight Movie

O my gosh! I went to the Twilight Movie with my two best friends....WOW! It was so amazing. I didn't know what to expect when I sat down, but I'll tell you that I loved it. The book and movie were right in sync, although the movie had to cut back on some parts--The meadow scene was slaughtered and Bella's Lullaby wasn't what I thought it would be. But other than that, I wish I had gone and seen it more than once.


Basketball Season is finally here! Tryouts were in the middle of November. I practiced hard and I made the team. I am on the Varsity 2 team and plus I start JV. It is very exciting to be playing two games every night. Our team is one of the best teams in our region. I know it. But of course, our record doesnt show it. Out of the 8 games we have played (Varsity) we have lost all 8, but the region games do not start until January 9th. We have been practicing hard during the Christmas break and I know we will prove ourselves once we come back off the break. Teams will overlook us and thats when we will take the game from them. I'll try and keep you updated throughout our season.