Sunday, July 13, 2008


I love to travel! Seeing new sights is one of my favorite things to do. I'm lucky to live in a family that takes alot of trips too! I've been pretty much everywhere West of the Rockies and I loved every minute of it! And I can't wait til the Church History Trip-the end of my Senior Year because it'll take me all over the Eastern United States. But my travels dont end there! My dream vacation is to go to Europe and not necessarily "backpack" through it but visit Each and Every country. :)

This passed Spring, I recieved a letter from Music Ambassadors International. I guess my Band teacher Mrs. Poulson put me and a couple others from our band in an International Band group. I was super excited to find out that I would be given the opportunity to play music, which I love, and also get to travel to Europe!! The packet that each of us recieved told detailed information about our upcoming 2009 Summer trip to Europe. This 16 day! Trip would cover 7 countries from Europe-including: Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein!! Crazy huh! and sounds Super fun! A DREAM Vacation for someone like me!
But sadly, I do not get to go on this trip...The cost on it is a little close to $6,000! and that does not include spending money. I raised as much as I could until I found it was out of reach for this time but hopefully I will get the same opportunity to go next time. I guess I'll just have to get on my teacher's good side again :)